GOLDSTEIN: Michael Moore's new film skewers green energy
GOLDSTEIN: Michael Moore’s new film skewers green energy GOLDSTEIN: Michael Moore's new film skewers green energy Lorrie Goldstein More from Lorrie Goldstein Published: April 22, 2020 A newly-released documentary from contrarian filmmaker Michael Moore calls green energy a fraud that is destroying the earth. Planet of the Humans also accuses the environmental movement of selling out to corporate and Wall St. interests, by shilling for these so-called renewable technologies. The film premiered at the Traverse City Film Festival in July, but Moore released it on YouTube for free for 30 days on the eve of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day on Wednesday. It’s produced, directed and narrated by Jeff Gibbs, a long-time collaborator with Moore, who is the film’s executive producer. “Everywhere I encountered green energy it wasn’t what it seemed, ” Gibbs says early in the film. He explains why wind and solar power, electric vehicles, ...