THE SUN CAUSES CLIMATE CHANGE: 'We Are Entering a Deep Solar Minimum as the Sun Goes Unusually Quiet Despite What 'Third-Party' Non-Forecasting Fact-Checkers Sa y' by Theodore White, astromet.sci Facebook's so-called 'fact-checkers' have been going around telling people that the Earth is not entering a mini-ice age as the Sun enters a Grand Minimum. I challenge that and call on those 'fact-checkers' to prove that they can forecast the climate and weather as I have been doing as an astrometeorologist. According to Facebook, "Their third-party fact-checkers on Facebook have applied to be signatories to the non-partisan International Fact-Checking Network Code of Principles. Third-party fact-checkers investigate stories in a journalistic process meant to result in establishing the 'truth or falsity' of the story." Now, as a professional journalist, I know something about fact-checking as I've done it ten...