
Showing posts from October, 2020

One crisp winter morning in Sweden

  One crisp winter morning in Sweden One crisp winter morning in Sweden, a cute little girl named Greta woke up to a perfect world, one where there were no petroleum products ruining the earth. She tossed aside her cotton sheet and wool blanket and stepped out onto a dirt floor covered with willow bark that had been pulverized with rocks. “What’s this?” she asked. “Pulverized willow bark,” replied her fairy godmother. “What happened to the carpet?” she asked. “The carpet was nylon, which is made from butadiene and hydrogen cyanide, both made from petroleum,” came the response. Greta smiled, acknowledging that adjustments are necessary to save the planet, and moved to the sink to brush her teeth where instead of a toothbrush, she found a willow, mangled on one end to expose wood fibre bristles. “Your old toothbrush?” noted her godmother, “Also nylon.” “Where’s the water?” asked Greta. “Down the road in the canal,” replied her godmother, ‘Just make sure you avoid water with cholera i...

The truth behind renewable energy

  The truth behind renewable energy Guest Blogger / 17 hours ago October 18, 2020 Previously published in the October 2020, issue of International Cement Review Can renewable energy sources supply the world with a large share of the energy it requires? While some environmentalists advocate the total replacement of fossil fuels by solar, wind and battery power, Dr Lars Schernikau explains why this is impossible. by Dr. Lars Schernikau, HMS Bergbau Group, Germany & Singapore Photo: A young man burning electrical wires to recover copper at Agbogbloshie, September 2019; Wikipedia Free License Today we hear and read about the climate crisis every day, driven by well-funded campaigns. But we hear little of the perils of switching from conventional energy to wind, solar and battery-powered vehicles. It appears that every second person has become an atmospheric physicist understanding that carbon dioxide is the main driver ...

Washington State blows away wind fantasies

  Washington State blows away wind fantasies Charles Rotter / 7 days ago October 12, 2020 Reposted from CFACT By  Ronald Stein  |October 12th, 2020| Energy The Northwest has spoken loudly as the Benton Public Utility District (BPUD) has documented their actual battleground experiences with intermittent electricity from wind farms that should be a wake-up call to our policy makers. Their message is “ no more wind ”. The Washington state utility 16-page report titled “ Wind Power and Clean Energy Policy Perspectives ” of July 14, 2020 provides a devastating counter attack to the wind lobbyists that they question the efficacy of wind farms for power generation and resulted in the utility’s commissioners saying they “do not support further wind power development in the Northwest.” Kudos to this Washington state public utility for speaking up after seeing the costs and dangers of California’s experience with an overrelia...

The Rooftop Solar Scam and How to Get Rid of It

The Rooftop Solar Scam and How to Get Rid of It By Norman Rogers   According to the conventional wisdom, if you install solar panels on your roof you can zero out your electric bill and save pot loads of money. This is actually true if you live in certain states, particularly California. The catch is that everyone that does not have solar panels on their roof is paying for your benefits. For the homeowner that’s a not a problem. It’s a feature. Solar only works during the day and best in the middle of the day. But residential electricity consumption tends to peak in the evening. A scheme called net metering fixes this problem by allowing the homeowner to “bank” excess midday electricity and then withdraw it from the bank later in the day. The bank is imaginary, an accounti...

Impossible Dream: Why Promise Of All Wind & Sun Powered Future Is Complete Nonsense

  Impossible Dream: Why Promise Of All Wind & Sun Powered Future Is Complete Nonsense October 11, 2020 by stopthesethings 2 Comments The dream of an all wind and sun powered future is more like a recurring nightmare: chaotically intermittent, critically dependent upon massive and endless subsidies and environmentally destructive, the idea that millions of giant industrial wind turbines and seas of solar panels will somehow benefit the planet beggars belief. In two detailed and well-crafted videos (transcript appears below each) Jan Smelik demonstrates why the claim that we’re well on our way to an all wind and sun powered future is complete and utter nonsense. The Impossibility of Windmills YouTube Jan Smelik 8 September 2020 In this video I try to explain in simple terms why a 100% production of energy using windmills is impossible and unpayable in practice, despite all the positive information coming from green power advocates. Transcript Because ...

Nolte: Blackouts Force Newsom to Admit Green Energy Falls Short

  Nolte: Blackouts Force Newsom to Admit Green Energy Falls Short 30,227 AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli, Pool John Nolte 17 Aug 2020 5,048 5:13 Blackouts in the failing state of Democrat-run California have forced Governor Gavin Newsom to admit green every is falling short. “Newsom says the transition away from fossil fuels has left California with a gap in the reliability of its energy system. He says the state must examine its reliance on solar power and how that fits into its broader energy portfolio,” reports the San Francisco Chronicle’s Alexei Koseff. “Today we are anticipating substantially greater need for energy,” Newsom said at a Monday press conference. Per Koseff, he added  that this greater need is “about 4,400 megawatts short of what the state needs. That’s a ten times greater shortfall than Saturday. ” “We failed to predict and plan these shortages and that’s simply unacceptable,” Newsom some...

What It Would Take to Prove Global Warming

  What It Would Take to Prove Global Warming By Robert Tracinski April 17, 2015 Recently, Reason ‘s Ronald Bailey asked what it would take to convince conservatives and libertarians that global warming is real. If generally rising temperatures, decreasing diurnal temperature differences, melting glacial and sea ice, smaller snow extent, stronger rainstorms, and warming oceans are not enough to persuade you that man-made climate [change] is occurring, what evidence would be? This has since been picked up by Jonathan Adler at the Washington Post ‘s token right-leaning blog, the Volokh Conspiracy. There’s no pressure: Bailey and Adler merely insinuate that you are “obscurantist”—that is, you hate new knowledge—if you don’t agree. That, by the way—the smug insistence of global warming alarmists on presenting themselves as the embodiment of scientific knowledge as such—is one of the reasons I stopped taking them seriously. In fact, I have tho...