For Most Americans, The Idea Of Buying An Electric Car Is A Joke
For Most Americans, The Idea Of Buying An Electric Car Is A Joke Electric vehicle industry promoters are absolutely crowing about recent data showing record sales for non-hybrid electric vehicles. In the first half of 2022, these electric vehicles made up 5.46% of all new car sales, while sales of hybrids declined. For comparison, electric vehicles made up just 2.7% of all car sales in the second quarter of 2021. [bold, links added] Since the beginning of the pandemic, overall car sales have fallen drastically. Over 17 million new cars were sold each year from 2015 to 2019. The year 2020 saw sales fall to 14.7 million and a mere 12.28 million were sold in 2021. Currently, we are on track to roughly match the 2021 sales number. The motivation for this increase in purchases of EVs is nothing less than the largest, most coordinated effort on the part of the federal government to s...