Climate Hysteria: A Mass Delusion to Demonize Carbon Dioxide
Climate Hysteria: A Mass Delusion to Demonize Carbon Dioxide By Jerome Corsi Climate hysterics like to throw around the world “denier” to castigate those who don’t get with the green agenda. The term is deliberately intended to echo the phrase “Holocaust denier” to those anti-Semites who like to insist that the Holocaust never happened. While the comparison is obscene, it’s certainly true that the Holocaust, like the climate agenda, have something in common: They both reflect a blind fanaticism untethered to actual facts. Climate hysterics demonize carbon dioxide (CO2) much as Hitler stereotyped Jews. They then demonize their critics as “Holocaust deniers” because the psychological link is to demonize critics of the anthropogenic theory as if they were Jew-haters...