Do Not Declare a “Climate Emergency” “Climate emergency” declaration = endless dictatorship Alex Epstein Aug 17, 2023 Do Not Declare a “Climate Emergency” Rising CO2 levels are: Not dire: Humans are safer from climate than ever. Not temporary: They will rise for decades. Not in our control: We emit 1/7 of CO2—and falling. “Climate emergency” declaration = endless dictatorship As many leaders obsess about summer temperatures that are predictably a little warmer than they used to be—given the gradual warming trend and El Nino year—we are hearing more c alls for the Biden Admin to declare a “climate emergency.” This would be a catastrophic decision. A government “emergency” declaration is a temporary increase in power that should only be used if a problem meets 3 criteria : Dire: Unusually deadly Temporary: Of limited duration In our control: Actually solvable by our government “Climate emergency” is none of these . 1: Rising CO2 levels are not dire While “climate change”—humans impac...
Showing posts from August, 2023