120 years of climate scares
120 years of climate scares 120 years of climate scares By Thomas Lifson Scientists seeking funding and journalists seeking an audience agree: panic sells. “Global cooling is going to kills us all!” “No, wait: global warming is going to kill us all!” All that’s missing is a back-and-forth of “You shut up!” “No, you shut up!” That is reserved for those who doubt the need for panic. That’s the gist of an amazing chronology of the last 120 years of scare-mongering on climate, assembled by butnowyouknow.net and reprinted by the estimable Anthony Watts in Wattsupwiththat , who updates it to the present. It is truly mind-boggling: 1895 - Geologists Think the World May Be Frozen Up Again – New York Times, February 1895 1902 - “Disappearing Glaciers…deteriorating slowly, with a persistency that means their final annihilation…scientific fact…surely disappearing.” – Los Angeles Times 1912 - Prof. Schmidt ...