EPA “Disappears” the 1930s Drought and Heat Wave Climate Data
EPA “Disappears” the 1930s Drought and Heat Wave Climate Data
Guest essay by Larry Hamlin
The EPA has deleted (this chart and data no longer exist at the EPA website) its prior indicator climate data trend chart showing “unusually hot and cold temperatures” across the U.S. and showing the U.S. Heat Wave Index from 1895 to 2015 (shown below) that clearly established the unique drought and heat period of the 1930s.

This long-standing climate data chart has now been replaced by a chart which simply “disappears” any notion of the great drought and heat wave period of the 1930s as shown below.

EPA have also added another chart of “Heat Waves” climate data that does not even contain the 1930s period as shown below which starts in the decade of the 1960s.

The chart of U.S. droughts remains the same but given the changes to date in the other charts and their data this charts remaining time is probably short lived.

It appears that we have entered the Soviet Era of “disappearing” charts and data but now under the era of the “Biden climate science purge.”