
Showing posts from October, 2022

The climate scaremongers: Reality catches up with the electric car

  The climate scaremongers: Reality catches up with the electric car By Paul Homewood   October 28, 2022 FOR years we have been told how wonderful electric cars will be. How they would be cheap to buy and run, how they would create gazillions of green jobs, how they would power our economy through the 21 st  century! They were to be the poster child of the glorious green future waiting for us just around the corner, where we would all be much better off without all those nasty fossil fuels! Bit by bit, however, things are turning out to be not quite as wonderful as advertised. The latest blow came last week when BMW announced it was moving production of its electric Mini from the UK to China, where manufacturing is powered by cheap coal. It is unlikely that BMW will be the last to make this switch. This news comes on top of the financial crisis affecting Brit...

Here Are Just A Few Things The MSM Has Blamed On Climate Change

  Here Are Just A Few Things The MSM Has Blamed On Climate Change Liberal media outlets have long been infatuated with doomsday predictions about climate change, with journalists blaming a wide variety of sociopolitical issues like hate speech and terrorism on the ongoing increase in global average temperature. Democrats and their cohorts in the media have often blamed major hurricanes , tornadoes , and other extreme weather events on climate change. But, their dire warnings about the issue have also led them to blame more unconventional problems on changes to our global climate . [bold, links added] Effect of climate change on babies in the womb A New York Times opinion piece released last week claimed that babies in the womb can be negatively impacted by climate change , citing a study published in The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. The study compared babies in utero during [Superstorm Sandy], versus kids wh...

The World Does Not Have Enough Lithium and Cobalt to Replace All Batteries Every 10 Years

  Net Zero Bombshell: The World Does Not Have Enough Lithium and Cobalt to Replace All Batteries Every 10 Years – Finnish Government Report by Chris Morrison 22 October 2022 9:00 AM Influential elites are either in denial about the horrifying costs and consequences of Net Zero – witness last Wednesday’s substantial vote against fracking British gas in the House of C...

The Climate Scaremongers: Reality Catches Up With The Electric Car

  The Climate Scaremongers: Reality Catches Up With The Electric Car   For years we have been told how wonderful electric cars will be. How they would be cheap to buy and run, how they would create gazillions of green jobs, and how they would power our economy through the 21st century! They were to be the poster child of the glorious green future waiting for us just around the corner, where we would all be much better off without all those nasty fossil fuels! Bit by bit, however, things are turning out to be not quite as wonderful as advertised. [bold, links added] The latest blow came last week when BMW announced it was moving production of its electric Mini from the UK to China , where manufacturing is powered by cheap coal . It is unlikely that BMW will be the last to make this switch. This news comes on top of the financial crisis affecting Britishvolt , the major battery manufacturing startup which is ...

They Can't Make Green Energy Using Only Green Energy

They Can't Make Green Energy Using Only Green Energy October 17, 2022 / Francis Menton Not being a dope, you likely realized a long time ago that it was going to take a lot of energy to manufacture the components of the future green energy utopia. Wind turbines, solar panels, electric cars, and so forth — there is lots of steel, other metals, and silica involved that all need to be melted at high temperatures to get formed into the devices. How are they going to achieve that at reasonable cost using just the wind and sun as energy sources? Up to now, the main strategy has been to buy most of the devices from China, where they are made largely using energy from coal. Out of sight, out of mind. But both Europe and the U.S. have made an effort to get at least somewhat into the game of making these things. Europe finds itself leading the acceleration into the green energy ...

What Message Can Be Gleaned from Contradictory Ideas?

What Message Can Be Gleaned from Contradictory Ideas? By Eileen F. Toplansky Recently, I was sent this piece about Robert David Steele who was a former Marine Corps infantry officer and then a spy for the CIA. At his own site , he claims to be "the Chief Enabling Officer CeO [sic] of Earth Intelligence Network, devoted to teaching holistic analytics, true cost economics and open source everything engineering." Thus, "his ideas would enable the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals -- first within the USA and then globally [.]" This is code for doing away with capitalism. After all, Christiana Figueres , executive secretary of U.N.'s Framework Convention on Climate Change, admitted that the goal of environmenta...

Global warming is a political agenda, not a scientific problem

Global warming is a political agenda, not a scientific problem We continue to hear that 97 percent of scientists believe global warming is a crisis and is being caused by man. That’s simply not true. The 97 percent value came from a 2009 online survey conducted by Peter Doran and Maggie Kendall Zimmerman from the University of Illinois. The survey was sent to 10,257 scientists – 3,146 scientists responded to the survey. There were nine questions in all but the two primary questions in the survey were: 1) When compared to pre-1800 levels, do you think mean global temperatures have generally risen, fallen, or remained relatively constant? 2) Do you think human activity is a significant contributing factor in changing mean global temperatures? The results of the survey were, as is typical, all over the place, but the surveyors apparently wanted higher numbers so they broke the responses into groups based on the background of the responder. The 97 percent number came from whi...

We May Finally Know Why Oceans in The Southern Hemisphere Are Getting So Warm

We May Finally Know Why Oceans in The Southern Hemisphere Are Getting So Warm Environment 01 October 2022 By Moninya Roughan & Junde Li, The Conversation (Ivan Bandura/Unsplash) The oceans absorb more than 90 percent of all extra heat trapped by the emissions we've produced by burning fossil fuels. This heat is enormous. It's as if we exploded an atom bomb underwater, every second of every day. The ocean isn't warming at the same rate everywhere. We know the heat is concentrated in the fast, narrow currents that flow along the east coasts of the world's continents and funnel warm water from the tropics down towards the poles. In the Southern Hemisphere, these currents – known as the western boundary currents – are warming faster than the global average at their southern limits, creating ocean warming hotspots. Until now, we haven't known exactly why. These western boundary currents are particularly important in the Southern Hemisphere, whic...