What Message Can Be Gleaned from Contradictory Ideas?
What Message Can Be Gleaned from Contradictory Ideas?
Recently, I was sent this piece about Robert David Steele who was a former Marine Corps infantry officer and then a spy for the CIA. At his own site, he claims to be "the Chief Enabling Officer CeO [sic] of Earth Intelligence Network, devoted to teaching holistic analytics, true cost economics and open source everything engineering." Thus, "his ideas would enable the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals -- first within the USA and then globally [.]"
This is code for doing away with capitalism. After all, Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of U.N.'s Framework Convention on Climate Change, admitted that the goal of environmental activists is not to save the world from ecological calamity but to destroy capitalism. She stated that "[t]his is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution."
Here is a sampling of the Declaration of the Sustainable Development mandate
We envisage a world of universal respect for human rights and human dignity, the rule of law, justice, equality and non-discrimination; of respect for race, ethnicity and cultural diversity; and of equal opportunity permitting the full realization of human potential and contributing to shared prosperity.
Isn't this already the foundation of American ideas and ideals?
Is This the Beginning of the End for George Soros?

To do this, Steele "proposed to Donald Trump that he close all 1,000 US military bases overseas and stop subsidizing military arms purchases by dictators and Israel."
And this is when my antennae start to stir.
Notice the connection between dictators and Israel -- Israel is the only true democracy in the Middle East, but Steele deliberately chooses to single it out. This is what the United Nations does on a regular basis and should be the first clue to Steele's anti-Israel, anti-Zionist, anti-Semitic bent.
The Sustainable Agenda continues with the following:
We reaffirm the outcomes of all major UN conferences and summits which have laid a solid foundation for sustainable development and have helped to shape the new Agenda. These include the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development; the World Summit on Sustainable Development [etc.]

Climate change is always part of this scenario; thus, "[c]limate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time and its adverse impacts undermine the ability of all countries to achieve sustainable development."
Furthermore, Principle 9 of the Rio Declaration on Environment asserts that:
States should cooperate to strengthen endogenous capacity-building for
sustainable development by improving scientific understanding through exchanges of scientific and technological knowledge, and by enhancing the development, adaptation, diffusion and transfer of technologies, including new and innovative technologies.
But, of course, the astonishing and innovative Israeli inventions and their ongoing exchange of scientific and technological knowledge to Africa and Asia countries is simply overlooked.
But the truly worrisome part is Principle 12 which asserts that
shall enact effective environmental legislation. Environmental
standards, management objectives and priorities should reflect the
environmental and developmental context to which they apply. Standards
applied by some countries may be inappropriate and of unwarranted
economic and social cost to other
countries, in particular developing countries.
Thus, the unelected members of the United Nations will now decide which
countries -- read United States and Israel -- will surrender to the
whims of developing countries. I call this theft by alleged compassion.
It is, as Steele notes "the verge of new era." He wants to "stir the
pot" so prosperity for the many [can triumph] over concentrated wealth
for the few."
Folks, this is communism. This is redistribution of wealth. This is counter to the ideas of capitalism which affords anyone the opportunity to become wealthy instead of waiting for some faceless government bureaucracy to designate who will prosper.
Steele does not hide his animus for the West when he concurs with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Sergey Lavrov who claims that "a post-Western world order is emergent." And this is, because he asserts that
The Western way has emphasized war and waste as profit centers for the banks over peace and prosperity for all. The essence of my ideas is to restore intelligence and integrity so as to create a prosperous world at peace. There are three distinct domains that are convergent in part because of the Internet and in part because the 1% elite have over-played their hand and are now exposed -- the 99% are coming together against the Deep State that runs from the Rothschilds and the Vatican and Zion through the corrupt political parties in each country down to the secret intelligence services.
Furthermore, Steele maintains that the United States is "being blackmailed by NSA as well as CIA while also being bribed by the Zionists and the Saudis and of course every bank and corporation that wants to pay the standard 5% kickback for an earmarked contract funded by the US taxpayer."
Again the stench of anti-Semitism rears its ugly head.
Mixed in with the above troubling sentiments is the following which might ostensibly warm the heart of a conservative. Steele expresses his concern that there is a
. . . four-part campaign to destroy Donald Trump and drive him from office by 2018 at the latest. They include the 'conspiracy to censor pro-Trump websites' when 'both the mainstream media and the social media collaborate as agents of the Deep State to control the narrative.'
Part II is centered on George Soros and the $50 million to $100 million that has been spent funding activist organizations that are now preparing to execute over 10,000 demonstrations across the USA beginning as soon as the weather is warm [.] The Governors, Mayors, university presidents, and chiefs of law enforcement are all complicit – they are part of the Deep State, part of the 'Establishment,' they want the violent 'American Spring' to drive Trump from office.
Part III is centered on the Republican and Democratic Party leaders and wealthy activists who are doing everything possible to not only file lawsuits against Trump, but to establish grounds for the impeachment of Donald Trump.
Part IV is the combination of the coming debt ceiling (in March) and the deliberate collapse of the American economy by the Federal Reserve and Wall Street. We are living in a bubble economy propped up by various subterfuges. They will remove all the props and blame Donald Trump for 'mis-managing' the economy. This is intended to drive more people into the streets.
Lastly, Steele maintains that Trump should "surge his counterintelligence endeavor against those who are in an active state of treason and sedition including George Soros, Eric Schmidt, Loretta Lynch and – more discreetly but never-the-less actionably criminal – Barack Obama."
As Norwegian interviewer Jan H. Kalvik writes "While I do not endorse everything [Steele] says, I believe these hard words are a useful starting point for questioning many of our assumptions about our own national security policies."
When I was in college, it was always terribly disheartening that so many well-known authors harbored strong anti-Semitic and genuine racist attitudes. That these people could be such wordsmiths and not see the horror of their beliefs was shocking. Thus, it is very difficult to separate the conflicting ideas of Steele. I maintain a very strong and prudent suspicion of the man no matter that I might find nuggets of truth in some of his statements.
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