
Showing posts from January, 2023

Population Panic

Population Panic John Stossel  |  Jan 25, 2023 Have you heard? The world is about to end! "60 Minutes" recently featured Paul Ehrlich, author of the bestseller, "The Population Bomb." "Humanity is not sustainable," he said. Why would "60 Minutes" interview Ehrlich? For years, Ehrlich said, "We are very close to a famine" and, "In the next 15 years, the end will come." He's been wrong again and again. Yet, "60 Minutes" takes him seriously. "Paul Ehrlich may have lived long enough to see some of his dire prophecies come true," intoned reporter Scott Pelley. Now, "60 Minutes" says, "scientists say" the earth is in the midst of a "mass extinction"! Doom sells. Ehrlich's book sold an amazing 3 million copies. It claimed the Earth's rising population would lead to worldwide famine. The opposite happened. The world's population more than doub...

The Recycling Religion

The Recycling Religion John Stossel  |  Jan 18, 2023 Paul Sakuma For decades, we've been told: recycle! "If we're not using recycled paper, we're cutting down more trees!" says Lynn Hoffman, co-president of Eureka Recycling. Recycling paper (or cardboard) does save trees. Recycling aluminum does save energy. But that's about it. The ugly truth is that many "recyclables" sent to recycling plants are never recycled. The worst is plastic. Even Greenpeace now says, "Plastic recycling is a dead-end street." Hoffman often trucks it to a landfill. Years ago, science writer John Tierney wrote a New York Times Magazine story, " Recycling Is Garbage ." It set a Times record for hate mail. But what he wrote was true. "It's even more true today," says Tierney in my new video . "Recycling is an industry that uses increasingly expensive labor to produce materials that are worth less and less." It...

Climate Fact Check 2022

  Climate Fact Check 2022 Nine natural disasters wrongly blamed on “climate change” during 2022. The PDF version is here . coverage is here . Note: Truth in Energy and Climate also participated in this project.

No, new study does not link gas stoves with asthma in children

No, new study does not link gas stoves with asthma in children The new study the Consumer Product Safety Commission wants to rely on to ban gas stoves is classic junk science. Here is the study. The abstract is below. Here is a quick summary of the some of study’s principle flaws, in no particular order: It’s not actual research on children. It is a meta-analysis of previously published (and ignored) studies — a study of otherwise unpersuasive studies. The authors did a literature search for previous epidemiologic studies on gas stoves and asthma in kids and then just mixed those results together in an effort to contrive statistical significance. This is a bogus technique for a number of reasons including publications bias in the component studies — i.e., studies with null results aren’t published. The study results, including the component studies, are weak statistical associations — i.e., noise range correlations. The study results, likely including the c...

No, Exxon was wrong on warming and didn’t know anything

No, Exxon was wrong on warming and didn’t know anything More fake news from the climate-industrial complex. You can read the NYTimes coverage here . The Science article is here and the supplementary material is here . Below is what you need to know. No Evidence that Exxon ‘Knew’ Anything A new Harvard study claims that its analysis of ExxonMobil internal analyses of emissions and global warming done between 1977 and 2003 shows that ExxonMobil scientists correctly predicted emissions-driven global warming was occurring at a rate of about 0.2°C per decade and that this shows that “Exxon knew” emissions-driven global warming was real and a threat. Assuming for the sake of argument that the Harvard claim is true: Current models produce about twice as much emissions-driven warming as ExxonMobil allegedly did (0.44°C vs. 0.2°C/decade). Current NASA satellite data shows global warming (regardless of cause) is only at about 0.13°C, only about half of what ExxonM...

Milloy climate tweet sets Twitter abuzz; Even Musk admits he is no believer

Milloy climate tweet sets Twitter abuzz; Even Musk admits he is no believer This tweet has had 13 million views. Even Musk commented. The Twitter censors tried to ‘add context” but just showed what liars they are. Here’s my explanation and no-lose prediction for the CO2-warming hoax. Here’s the tweet. So here’s the NOAA release . After the release, I did the original tweet (above). The next day and not unexpectedly, no one in the media reported that there had been no warming since 2015. Later that day, Scott Adams (Dilbert creator) tweeted me and that caught Musk’s attention, where he admitted he is no climate doomer. That was too much for diehard Twitter censors who “added context” to my tweet. This “added context” was, of course, false and misleading. Here I flesh out the lying “added context”: Even Scott Adams fell for the misleading “added context.” But I re-explained. Now we’re getting to the prediction. BTW, below is climate alarmist Gavin ...

Here's what's targeted in Colorado's first big environmental bill of the session

  Here's what's targeted in Colorado's first big environmental bill of the session Legislative leaders have promised efforts to curtail greenhouse gas emissions. Enlarge Colorado State Capitol on Dec. 19, 2022, in Denver. The first big environmental bill of Colorado's 2023 legislative session arrived this week, targeting gas-powered lawn equipment, state investments in fossil fuels and gaps in existing emission-reduction goals. Senate Bill 16, sponsored by Denver Democrat Chris Hansen , largely reboots last year’s Senate Bill 138, which died at the end of the session as a concession to get House Republicans to end a filibuster. A big difference this year, however, is that the bill begins with more focus on incentives, proposing income-tax credits for folks buying electric lawn equipment in the coming years rather than seeking to ban the sale of new gas-powered lawnmowers or leaf blowers. Hansen, who also is running for Denver mayor, said he wanted to ...

Nationwide ban on gas-burning stoves under consideration after new study claims appliances emit harmful pollution linked to childhood asthma

  Nationwide ban on gas-burning stoves under consideration after new study claims appliances emit harmful pollution linked to childhood asthma News Candace Hathaway January 09, 2023 The Biden administration’s Consumer Product Safety Commission is considering a nationwide ban on gas-burning stoves following a new study that claimed the appliances emit harmful pollution that has been linked to asthma in children, Bloomberg reported. According to the EPA and the World Health Organization, gas-burning stoves emit unsafe levels of nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, and particulate matter, which are reported to be linked to respiratory illness , cardiovascular issues, cancer, and other conditions. A December report from the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health claimed that over 12% “of current childhood asthma nationwide is attributed to gas stove use, which is similar to the childhood asthma burden attributed to secondhand smoke e...