Milloy climate tweet sets Twitter abuzz; Even Musk admits he is no believer

Milloy climate tweet sets Twitter abuzz; Even Musk admits he is no believer

This tweet has had 13 million views. Even Musk commented. The Twitter censors tried to ‘add context” but just showed what liars they are. Here’s my explanation and no-lose prediction for the CO2-warming hoax.

Here’s the tweet.

So here’s the NOAA release.

After the release, I did the original tweet (above).

The next day and not unexpectedly, no one in the media reported that there had been no warming since 2015.

Later that day, Scott Adams (Dilbert creator) tweeted me and that caught Musk’s attention, where he admitted he is no climate doomer.

That was too much for diehard Twitter censors who “added context” to my tweet. This “added context” was, of course, false and misleading.

Here I flesh out the lying “added context”:

Even Scott Adams fell for the misleading “added context.” But I re-explained.

Now we’re getting to the prediction.

BTW, below is climate alarmist Gavin Schmidt’s “hopeless unphysical” observation:

And here’s the prediction.

And here’s the no lose part of my prediction:

  • If the El Nino steps up warming again followed by years of pause then prediction confirmed.
  • If the El Nino fails to step up warming, then CO2 warming is further debunked.

3 thoughts on “Milloy climate tweet sets Twitter abuzz; Even Musk admits he is no believer”

  1. @Older and Wiser: No, we aren’t “so much hotter than prior to 1950.” The 1930’s made up the hottest decade. NASA and NOAA have simply rigged the numbers. You can go to Tony Heller’s YouTube channel (one of the very best) and see exactly what they did with the raw data. You can also visit his excellent website: I just listened to speech by the great Richard Lindzen, PhD, who stated that it has warmed approximately one degree in the last 200 years (GWPF Lecture on YouTube). Wow. Catastrophic. Except warmer is better than cooler anyway. Members of The Club of Rome stated they would use carbon as a means of control and that’s exactly what’s happened. You can cherry pick dates all you want. What a coincidence that those who want to control us picked the approximate end of the Little Ice Age to say it started warming. What pure genius. There hasn’t been “a mild cooling trend for the last 8 years.” Even though CO2 has continued to gradually increase, there has been a cooling trend since 1998 (If they can cherry pick, so can I). CO2 has increased, but the mean temperature hasn’t risen 1/10 of one degree in 25 years (or 90 years if you want to start at the 30’s and use real data). So CO2 clearly isn’t a driver of climate (which many scientists not on the take or grant gravy train have proven many times). Sorry, no crisis – we can spend our money on real pollution resolution. It was warmer in the Medieval Warm Period and the Roman Warm period. You can plot every ridiculous annual world meeting (where the Elites fly in on their private jets emitting more carbon in one flight than I will be responsible for in my whole life) to lecture me on cow flatulence, eating bugs, not owning a dog, not having kids (though they do) and not using my grill to “SAVE THE PLANET FROM IMMINENT DOOM! DOOM, I SAY!” And at each plot point, CO2 has risen, with no effect on the climate whatsoever (because the effects are logarithmic), but HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of sweat dollars from the middle and upper middle class is whizzed away to enrich the controllers and schemers. No, it isn’t hotter. No, human CO2 has no effect on temperature compared to the far, far bigger drivers. Warm regards…

  2. Many more congratulations on getting increasing acknowledgement from high profile sources, Steve..
    The general population will soon start taking notice of the facts and questioning the BS being published in the MSM…….

  3. Yes, the last 8 years show a mild cooling trend. So what? Dips in the full 140 year Land and Ocean chart at NCEI/NOAA appear to show El Nino / La Nina cycles but these natural events cannot explain why we are so much hotter than prior to 1950.
    BTW, I too am a skeptic of anthropomorphic warming. We don’t know enough about the past but we do know enough about the observed natural cycles to understand they had nothing to do with man made causes. My amature opinion is we are simply continuing the natural warming trend out of the depths of the Little Ice Age.

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